www.caspot.com brings you the exclusive post of How To Get Exemsion in CA IPCC Accounts - Tips To Score Good By ICAI
Accounting constitutes a very significant area of core competence for chartered accountants. The paper of ‘Accounting’
at Intermediate (IPC) Course level concentrates on conceptual
understanding of the crucial aspects of accounting. The paper at this
level aims to lay a foundation for the preparation and presentation of
financial statements of sole proprietors, partnerships and companies and
also expects students to have working knowledge of the principles and
procedures of accounting and their application to different practical
Know your syllabus
The study material of Paper 1
‘Accounting’ is divided in fifteen chapters/topics based on the
curriculum. The topics covered under this paper include Accounting
Standards; Financial Statements of Companies, Profit or Losses Prior to
Incorporation, Bonus issue, Amalgamation and Internal Reconstruction
(excluding problems on inter- company holding); Average Due Date,
Account Current; Self Balancing Ledgers; Financial Statements of Not for
Profit Organizations; Accounts from Incomplete Records; Hire Purchase
and Instalment Sale Transactions; Investment Accounts; Insurance Claims
for Loss of Stock and Loss of Profit; Issues in Partnership Accounts;
Accounting in Computerized Environment.
The syllabus of Accounting has an
appropriate mix of various topics of sole proprietorship, partnership
and companies as the objective of the paper is to gain ability to solve
simple problems related to different business entities.
Be familiar with the Knowledge inputs provided by the BoS
Once you are aware of the syllabus, the
next step is to find and assimilate the knowledge inputs which have been
provided by the ICAI / Board of Studies, to study the paper. For
better understanding of the paper, Board of Studies has provided
following knowledge inputs:
- Study Material (Volume I)
- Practice Manual (Volume II)
- Suggested Answers
- Revision Test Papers
- Mock Test Papers
- Students’ Journal for academic updates . Now, after knowing the various knowledge inputs provided by the Board of Studies, you should plan your studies.
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Time Management You are advised to plan
your studies on the basis of availability of time and the course
contents. Planning for study of the paper ‘Accounting’ should be done in
a manner which makes you go through the subject at least three times.
In Accounting, examination paper is
purely practical based. Therefore, one has to do written practice of
good number of questions on each topic. So, at the time of planning the
study for accounting you should keep into mind the written practice of practical questions also. Considering the
practical nature of the paper, start your studies from the day you
receive the course material. As at Intermediate (IPC) Course level you
do not have to undergo articleship training, therefore, it is suggested
that you should study the subject at least two hours a day. By doing so,
you will be able to manage first round of complete study and two rounds
of revision well before time. Your first round of study should be
completed well in advance, that is, at least 3 months before your exam.
This is macro level planning about how
to study but you should also plan at micro level i.e. time planning for
each and ever y chapter in detail – when to start and by what time the
chapter should be completed. Keep some time leverage as assimilation of
the chapters may take more time than expected or planned.
Your second round of study i.e. your first revision should be over before one month of your exam. Your second
revision should be in the last month
before exam so that you will be in the position to remember all the
concepts. These three rounds of study will help in boosting the
confidence level for the subject and will make you mentally prepared to
appear in the examination.
First round of study
As you are aware that the syllabus of
‘Accounting’ covers Accounting Standards as well as other topics, so
your planning should be divided in two parts namely-
- Accounting Standards
- Other chapters of the course curriculum.
Every day when you start your study,
first go through the concepts which you have read last day then start
learning new concepts. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. Ideally
your first study should be within 24 hours of initial reading, the
second within 1 week of reading.
Part I- Accounting Standards
As accounting standards have been introduced to you for the first time in detail at this level, therefore, it is felt that
we should give you an insight on
accounting standards and how to study them. Accounting standards are
written policy documents issued by the ICAI. It covers the aspects of
1. recognition,
2. measurement,
3. presentation and
4. disclosure of accounting transactions in the financial statements.
It is not necessary that each accounting
standard deals with all the above aspects. There are some standards
which deal only with disclosure part like AS 1, while AS 3 deals with
the presentation aspect only. However, AS 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13 and 14 as
specified in the syllabus deal with recognition and measurement
principles in specific along with certain disclosure requirements.
Note: The examples
mentioned above are with reference to accounting standards which form
part of the syllabus of Intermediate (IPC) Course Paper 1 ‘Accounting’.
Only nine accounting standards are included at Intermediate (IPC) Course
level even though there are in effect 31 accounting standards.
Each accounting standard has certain
paragraphs in bold and italics which deal with the main provisions.
Other paragraphs which are not in bold and italics are explanation to
the paragraphs in bold and italics. Together the bold and italics
paragraphs and normal paragraphs constitute an Accounting standard.
Some accounting standards are generally
applied to any business like AS 1, 2, 6, 9, 10 and 13 while some are
industry/segment specific for example AS 7 (which will be applied only
in case of construction contracts) and some situational like AS 14
‘Accounting for Amalgamation’ which states set of procedures to be
followed at the time the company opt for merger.
In unit 2 of chapter 1 of our study
material of ‘Accounting’, we have given the explanation/interpretation
of the accounting standards specified in your syllabus. Also at the end
of the study material, we have reproduced the bare text of these
accounting standards for your reference. It is advised that after
studying each standard explained in chapter 1, refer the bare text of
accounting standard for building strong conceptual knowledge on the
accounting standards specified in the syllabus.
Part II – Other Chapters
Once you study your accounting standard
portion, you may study those chapters which are purely based on
accounting standards. Such chapters are:
Chapter 2 Unit 2: Cash Flow Statement
Chapter 6: Amalgamation
Studying these chapters will revise your
concepts on accounting standards which you have already studied in
chapter 1 and will also make you understand and apply the provisions in
the questions dealing with such standards.
Since, Intermediate (IPC) Course level
is the second level of chartered accountancy course and we have a paper
on ‘Fundamentals of Accounting’ at CPT level also, therefore, the
chapters which apply the provisions studied at CPT level (to an extent)
may be studied next. Such chapters are:
Chapter 9: Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organisations
Chapter 10: Accounts from Incomplete Records
Chapter 14: Issues in Partnership Accounts
You can then proceed studying other
important chapters on company’s accounts viz Preparation of financial
statements of companies, Profit or loss prior to incorporation,
Accounting for bonus issue and Internal reconstruction; one question on
which is generally asked in the question paper. At the end, study small
chapters on which question ranging from 4 to 8 marks are generally asked
in the examination. Such chapters include average due date, account
current, self balancing ledgers, hire-purchase and instalment sale
transactions, investment accounts, insurance claims for loss of stock
and loss of profit and lastly accounting in computerized environment.
Chapter on ‘Accounting in Computerized
Environment’ is a theory based chapter but question asked in the
question paper is not a straight forward question. Your study should be
application based so that you may analyse the requirements of the
question and answer them in a desired manner.
TIPS TO GET IN ACCOUNTS ---> http://goo.gl/ZF92G0
TIPS TO GET EXEMPTION IN LAW ---> http://goo.gl/UW9whu
TIPS TO CLEAR COST FM ---> http://goo.gl/u3nnRs
TIPS TO CLEAR TAX ---> http://goo.gl/o1uqDc
Tips To Study Advance Accounting ---> http://goo.gl/q3N6fV
TIPS TO STUDY IPCC AUDIT ---> http://goo.gl/OTyjOK
TIPS TO STUDY IT & SM ---> http://goo.gl/pSiaBR
Use of BoS Knowledge inputs in a systematic pattern
Step 1 Study material
To lay a strong foundation of the
understanding of any particular topic, study material explains the
concepts of each and every topic in detail with adequate illustrations.
Study the underlying concepts and accounting treatment specified therein
analytically before proceeding towards illustrations. Keep questioning
yourself until you are absolutely clear on the topic. Solve the
illustrations after understanding the topic. For example, in the
chapter of Profit or loss prior to incorporation, one has to understand
the reason why profit prior to incorporation is transferred to capital
reserve and not to profit and loss account, what will be the treatment
of loss prior to incorporation etc.
Step 2 Practice Manual
After solving the illustrations given in
the study material, solve the questions given in the practice manual.
Practice Manual is highly useful for the students appearing in the
examination as it includes questions from past examinations which would
facilitate in thorough understanding of the chapters explained in the
study material. In accounting paper, it is very necessary that one
should practice a good number of questions dealing with different
adjustments. Practice Manual will help serve this purpose. Your first
round of study should cover both Study Material and Practice Manual.
Second round of study
Step 3 Suggested answers
Your second round of study i.e. your first revision should cover
practice of suggested answers of recent two to three examinations.
Suggested answers of past few examinations give you an idea of what type
of questions are asked in the examination and how to solve and present
the solution for such questions in the examination. Solving the
question paper in the examination situation will help you, not only in
time management but will also give you the confidence to attempt
different types of questions in the examination.
Step 4 Revision Test Papers (RTP)
After you complete revision of whole
syllabus atleast once, you should solve the questions given in the RTP.
For every examination, Board of Studies comes out with a Revision Test
Paper. Revision Test Paper is issued for every attempt containing a
fresh set of questions which will help you to evaluate your preparation
level. RTP of Accounting is divided into two parts namely Part I:
Recent amendments, notifications and announcements which are relevant
for that particular examination and is not given in the study material
or was not applicable in the immediate past examination. You will be
able to know all such relevant information applicable for the exam at
one place. Part II carries questions and answers for your practice. In
Accounting, questions on each topic are given with full solution to
enable you to get an insight on how to present the solutions in an
orderly manner. In Accounting paper, RTP of past few attempts can also
be referred subject to amendments for which you have to refer the latest
Study Material and RTP.
Third round of study
Step 5 Mock Test Papers
After second revision of the complete
syllabus, you may assess your preparation by taking mock tests conducted
by various branches at their end. Also Mock test papers are hosted on
the institute’s website www.icai.org which you may download and solve within a time period of three hours.
Important points to be kept in mind
Preparation of notes
Prepare concise notes in the first round
of study itself. Your notes should be prepared in a manner, which
supplements your understanding of the concept and the illustrations you
have solved. You may either make a separate copy where you write down
the important concepts of the chapter or can underline the important
concepts in the book itself and read those underlined portion at the
time of revision. You should also shortlist the illustrations to be
revised again in your second and third round of study. Short listing of
illustrations should be based on the difficulty you faced while solving
the question. Besides preparation of important points of the topic
(which will help you to recapitulate the whole concepts), a summary of
tricky points and adjustments gathered from the practice of various good
illustrations may also be prepared which will help in grasping the
intricate practical aspects. Such tricky points or adjustments should
be cross linked with the concerned illustration number so that at the
time of revision you not only study the accounting treatment but also
refer the whole solution again. These notes may also be accompanied by
the proforma of relevant accounts and diagrams so that at the later
stages of preparation, the conceptual knowledge underlying different
topics may be gained within minimum time and efforts without going
through a number of books again.
Use of proper and prescribed format for presentation of accounts
There are some chapters which require
the solution or financial statements to be presented in particular
format. You should make it a practice to adopt the prescribed formats
while solving and presenting the accounts of particular topics. For
example: Financial Statements of companies should be in the format
prescribed in the Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956*.
Recapitulation of previously read topics
The chapter of Partnership accounts was
also there in the paper of ‘Fundamentals of Accounting’ at CPT level.
Therefore, here at Intermediate (IPC) Course level, you are required to
whet your skills on this topic. Also the concepts and provisions read
at CPT level lays down the foundation for studying and understanding the
topics specified at the Intermediate (IPC) Course level. For example,
concept of revenue and capital receipt and expenditure is applied in
every topic while preparing the financial statements of an entity.
Similarly, valuation of
inventory, accounting for depreciation etc. are some of the topics the concepts of which are applied in general to all entities.
Keep yourself continuously updated
We at Board of studies endeavor to
update you with the latest amendments or notifications as and when they
are issued. One of the sections in the Students’ Journal is on
‘Academic Update’ which contains recent amendments in accounting also.
You should develop a habit to read this continuously as it will help
you in avoiding last moment pressure to acquaint yourself with all the
relevant amendments. Also list of publication comprising of all
relevant accounting standards and guidance notes are published well in
time in the Students’ Journal and the institute’s website to apprise you
with the applicability part of the same in the particular examination.
Keep in mind the Inter-linking of various topics
The provisions of accounting standards
have to be kept in mind and applied while studying the related chapter
based on the particular accounting standard. If your concepts are clear
relating to a particular standard, you should not face any problem in
applying the same to solve problems in an inter-connected chapter.
Sometimes even though the chapter may not directly relate to an
accounting standard, it may contain adjustments involving application of
one or more standards.
Tips for examination
General tips are already given in the
first part of this booklet. However, we would like to also focus on
following accounting related examination tips which you should keep in
mind at the time of appearing for the examination:
Use of proper formats
Certain statutes prescribe specific
formats for presentation of the accounts. You should take care of the
same at the time of solving the questions in the exam. Accounts
presented in the prescribed manner will help you in scoring due marks.
Adequate Working Notes
In accounts, your solution is generally
divided in two parts viz- main solution and working notes. Working
notes form part of your solution and carries marks. Therefore, it is
advised that calculations made on your calculator should also be written
in your answer sheet as working note, wherever required, neatly and
precisely. Also your working note should be cross referenced with the
figure used in the main solution so that examiner can easily understand
that how you have arrived at the particular figure.
Answer the questions with due emphasis on the provisions of Accounting Standards
Suppor t your answers/conclusions
with proper reasoning. Answers for questions based on
accounting standards should be supported with provisions of that
accounting standard rather than a mere common sense or guess work. It
is not required to quote paragraph number of Accounting standard but you
are expected to quote accounting standard number along with the name of
the standard. However, if you state, paragraph number of accounting
standard, then it will add value to the solution and will also help
create a good impression in the mind of the examiner. You should quote
number of accounting standard or name only when you are sure. It is
better not to quote than to misquote the accounting standard number.
State the assumption clearly
In case a question leaves room for
making an assumption and there is a possibility of more than one
assumption, it is important to clearly state the assumption you have
taken and solve the question accordingly.
TIPS TO GET IN ACCOUNTS ---> http://goo.gl/ZF92G0
TIPS TO GET EXEMPTION IN LAW ---> http://goo.gl/UW9whu
TIPS TO CLEAR COST FM ---> http://goo.gl/u3nnRs
TIPS TO CLEAR TAX ---> http://goo.gl/o1uqDc
Tips To Study Advance Accounting ---> http://goo.gl/q3N6fV
TIPS TO STUDY IPCC AUDIT ---> http://goo.gl/OTyjOK
TIPS TO STUDY IT & SM ---> http://goo.gl/pSiaBR
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