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Journey Of CA Student Study tips & Suggestions to Pass CA EXAMS

This is my first article. My experience facing CA course. The journey which began from registering CPT till CA Final. I have given my Ca Final exam and hoping for the best.CA as career it gives u all fame, reputation and of course money. Most of all the prefix which will be attached to our name for the rest of our life as mine CA Sneha.V. This is what every CA entering candidate looks for at the first step.
But the sad part is many of them leave this excited journey from a non CA to becoming a CA.
This article is dedicated especially for them who are aspiring to become a CA and also to the students who are fed up writing CA Final exams year after year.
Let me begin with my story. I myself from an economically weaker background student. Although I am a distinction student but CA as a career came to me when my other friends enrolled for CPT. But had no money to even pay the registration fee. I still remember the day when I enrolled for CPT and my mom gave the LPG money which she had saved past a month and also the pawn shop where I got some amount from my gold earrings. The next step was CPT and then IPCC.
IPCC I faced the same problem of fees payment. That’s when my College lecturer who helped me and it made me realize that am a good student who is capable of becoming CA.IPCC passed and article ship came my way. I thank god for the very stubborn and different kind of Principal whom I met. He had no feelings, all he knew was work and money. I was there in that CA firm for almost 3years.Many things I released there was my communication skills, my negotiation skills, my DT knowledge and also a learning lesson how to take up all type of jobs from receptionist to a senior article and also the management skills as to how to handle well the HR resource which I think would help me when I open my CA office. That also made me realizes employment or practice.
With this experience of mine, I would urge every candidate to sit down and jot down in which area they are good at. May it be administration management, communication, DT, audit, IDT etc.I worked hard in article ship, use to get a good sum as stipend which I had to planned for CA Final registration and tuition fees. I opened an RD account in bank, within a period of 1 year I could arrange for my tuition fees and registration. This is how I learnt saving habit, which I think I would continue to the rest of my life.
Then the next leg of my journey was Industrial Training. I did land into one of big MNC around the world, where I learned how Technology is use to make accounting, reporting easy. Best of all was the corporate environment where you are given deadlines and also the biggest lesson as to how you help yourself. A complete different environment from a small middle sized CA firm to a big corporate.
As a CA aspirant somewhere one loses the focus of being a student. Have seen students who never consider themselves as students. But  my mind always corrected me telling “Sneha you are still a student”. Though every student gets different kind of work exposure, may it be big or small or an middle-sized firm or a Big 4 audit firms or Industrial Training like me, but still a person remains as a student till he/she becomes CA.
Then the next leg of my journey was tuitions, work, travelling. This is the phase in which a student requires lot of strength physically and also mentally. Especially in cities like Bangalore where traffic is a major problem.
Few skills which I would suggest:
Study tips & Suggestions to Pass CA EXAMS During exam preparation-
  1. I feel an first time preparation candidate requires minimum 4 months for both groups.
  2. I learned this technique from my tuition lecturer. Recording when you prepare. While studying an chapter, record it in your voice in phone and save it using chapter or topic name. Hear it when you do the 2nd and 3rd This saves time especially during the previous day of exam.
  3. 3 revisions prior exam is must and should, it builds the confidence level.
  4. Every day go for a walk for 20-40minutes,that’s where the body becomes active to take new topics and also the mind. The glucose will run into your system and you’re a fresh everyday. Also a good regime to reduce those extra kilos which we tend to add during exam leaves.
  5. Everyday 10minutes of meditation is must and should. It fresh your mind.
Study tips & Suggestions to Pass CA EXAMS In exam hall-
  1. Reach exam hall minimum 30 minutes early(15mim for question paper reading 15min to relax).
  2. Carry water bottle.
  3. Smile at candidates sitting next to you, it eases your tension and also the other persons.
  4. When you receive question paper take a pencil and jolt down the chapter/topic, key points in few words and also some mnemonic, in audit paper especially for all SA and AS(I still remember in audit paper my 2pages of answer booklet in the end was filled with mnemonic which came handy ).although writing in pencil on question paper is not allowed by ICAI still you can use it unless you miss use.
  5. Don’t copy and help others in exam hall. This bad habit which costs a lot. Moreover you lose independence and confidence on yourself. I can tell proudly that till date I haven’t copied in any of my exams, nor school nor college and nor in CA.
A word for those candidates who are planning to quit CA or already quit CA
Life in itself is a challenge. I met a person in Industrial Training who had quit CA and was working fine with MNC. But the problem started when he was eligible for promotion but no PG degree in hand. He was one such person who had cleared CA Inter in first go. All that I could tell/suggest him was all these years he has faced en number of difficulties, challenges etc, but why one should quit when it comes to studies and become CA.When a candidate from a village can pursue CA, why not us living in cities/towns. It is difficult to sit down to study after long gap also with family responsibilities, but the fact is few months will settle the rest of life. The feeling of prefix your name with ‘CA’ is unexplainable. A colleague of his realized this and he started preparing for his ICWA exam which he had left years back. Am happy that along with my Industrial Training I could motivate one person to reach his goal, a memory which could take back with me.
All I can tell at point of time is never ever leave any work and career in mid, be self motivated and make the dreams in reality. Live your dream, make it true. The feeling of seeing the dreams come alive is like climbing Mt Everest .A big day to your parents being satisfied. Words can never describe.
All the best to all who are awaiting CA results and all the more best of luck to one who is now thinking of realizing their dreams come true. Even if a single person is motivated by my article I feel its worth an effort to share my journey till now.
Thank you.
SRO 0275299

We specially thanks to Miss sneha for writing such a wonderfull Articles and we also want you all to share and spread this.



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