“SUCCESS: It is not a position where we stand; rather it is about the direction we go”

Hello everyone, my name is Vivek Falod. I have qualified as a Chartered Accountant in the May 2014 examinations. I wanted to write a short article, aimed towards helping all my student friends here, who are preparing hard for the CA Final and IPC examinations and are in their final month of preparation before the exams begin. You might have come across the below 2 tips elsewhere. However, needless to say, I would like to reiterate and spread the importance of the below, as I now speak from my very own experience.

Firstly, always always have a proper routine

Now, this is something which most of us already know, but few of us hardly follow. By routine, I do not only mean the study routine where people plan their endless number of hours of study , but also a routine for your entire day which includes your eating and sleeping habits. It is essential that your body clock adapts and is working at its peak in the day especially during the timings of 1.30pm to 5pm before you enter the month of November. This is more relevant for the people who study at night. A minimum sound sleep of 8.00 hours is recommended so that your body is most productive when you are awake. And, use the reminders and alarms functions on your mobile phones to keep you reminded throughout the day of your routine. Nobody looks at the piece of paper once it is made. So have your mobile ring an alarm for you, when it’s time to switch!

Remember, let your timetable do your planning work, so that you let your brain focus on the much more important aspect: studies!

Secondly, Solve mock tests!!

This is a must do and one of the most important completion stones to your preparation. To some students, it may sound like a complete waste of time when there is such a vast portion to complete. But, please believe me; it is best way to seal your preparations. Please make sure that you are solving one mock test minimum for each subject.

Doing this will give you 3 benefits:

a) You will know how to manage your 15 minutes reading time and 3 hours of paper solving.

b) It will show you how to manage your entire preparation in a span of one and half days and

c) You will able to evaluate your weak areas and improve on them. Sometimes, it so happens, that a student knows the entire answer in the mind, but spends almost 2-3 minutes in thinking on how to present it on paper, which causes a lot of time wastage and cancellations in the paper on the main day. I recommend solving a mock exam after every alternate day once you are done with your first or second study. And if not started yet, start from today only! Reserve an early morning slot of 6.45am – 10 am on an alternate day for a paper.

Lastly, please trust yourself , believe in yourself and never lose hope

Meditate deep breaths and sleep well before the exam. It helps in relaxing the mind and also provides immense energy and peace. And it is much important that you are confident about yourself of producing splendid result. Don’t get frustrated with the outside world and focus on your priorities on hand. Whatever be your situation till now, just tell yourself that you are going to give in your best 200% going forward.

And if you feel you are lost, do this as I say. Close your eyes. Take 5 deep breaths slowly. Now, flash forward to the result day. Imagine the smile and cheer on your mom’s and dad’s face, the day they you proudly show the PASS and PASS against your name and roll number on the CA results website. Now, open your eyes. Do this as directed above. It works every time 

Now is the time to make it count. If we really want to do something, we always find a way. If we don’t, we find excuses. I hope you will use the above two tips into your study preparation and these prove useful to you.

Best wishes.

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