P M Sahay – A Puppet Seller in CP, Delhi

“I come every day from Rohtak,” he says in his frail voice, referring to a town 75km from Delhi. “I’ve a wife, a married daughter and her children to support.” Mr. Sahay has a rail pass that enables him to commute daily to Delhi for a monthly sum of Rs 220. He leaves home at 2.30 pm and returns by 11 in the night. At (old) Delhi railway station, a wholesale trader gives him 20 pairs of puppets, which he hawks in Connaught Place, where he reaches by the metro. Each pair is priced at Rs 40. “I’ve sold just two and now it’s time to leave.” The puppets are stuffed in an orange cloth bag hanging from his left shoulder At this age he comes daily from Rohtak with a bag full of puppets and a water bottle which is heavier & makes him uneasy to put each step.
He is Retired Bank manager. He had a son who done chartered accountancy. A few years ago he spent all his savings for starting office in Delhi for son. His son moved to Bahrain without informing him and after some time a news comes to him that his son died in an accident.Now he is the only bread earner for his family.
“The doctor says that tests are needed but that’s expensive.” The Inner Circle corridor is lined with thick round pillars. Mr. Sahay draws energy by supporting himself against these columns, as he walks past them one by one.
Mr. Sahay’s neighbors in Rohtak are ignorant of his salesmanship. “If they discover that I sell toys in Delhi’s streets, we’ll be disgraced.”
Please buy a pair of puppet which cost Rs 40 to support Mr.. Sahay! Not for Sympathy but to Salute Mr. Sahay !!!!!
Head of to you Mr. Sahay!!!!
Wowwww...... ..