Queries regarding the compulsory Trainings under the Company Secretaries Course
In Company Secretaries (CS) course, before acquiring the membership from Institute of Company Secretaries of India, you should have to complete some type of trainings under the new syllabus as well as old syllabus. So, in this post I'm compiling here all the queries/FAQ's regarding to training(s) in your CS course with the reference of ICSI.
Trainings compulsory for acquiring ICSI membership-
Trainings compulsory for acquiring ICSI membership-
- IT (one day online test)
- SIP (7 days, exemptions available)
- EDP (8 days) 4. 25 hours PDP
- Management Training (15/24 months, exemption available)
- MSOP (15 days) 6. 15 days specialized training with RoC, Stock exchange etc. 2, 3 and 5 can be done online.
- With which organizations 15 month Training can be undergone?
- What is the procedure for registration of companies and other organizations for imparting 15 Months Management and 03 months Practical Training?
- What is the procedure for registration of Law Firm, Consultancy Firms and Financial Institutions for imparting training with the Institute?
- What is the procedure for registration of a Company Secretary in Practice for imparting training with the Institute?
- Where do I get the list of companies/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) & PCS registered with the Institute for imparting 15 months training?
- What is the procedure of getting or finding training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and with Company Secretaries in Practice?
- What is the procedure for registration of 15 months Training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.)?
- How much stipend generally companies offer?
- Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firm etc.) can impart training?
- Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) to another company/organisation or a Company Secretary in Practice?
- What is the procedure for transfer of training in between the training period to any company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) or Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute?
- Can 15 months training be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice?
- Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a Company Secretary in Practice can impart training to?
- What is the procedure for registration of 15 months training with Company Secretary in Practice?
- What would be the date of commencement of 15 months training with Company Secretaries in Practice?
- How much stipend generally Company Secretary in Practice offer to trainees?
- What are the working hours for candidates undergoing training with Company Secretary in Practice?
- Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one Company Secretary in Practice to another Company Secretary in Practice or a company/organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered with the Institute for imparting training OR vice versa?
- How many Transfers can be taken during 15 months training?
- What is the procedure for transfer of training from one Company Secretary in Practice in between the 15 months training period to any other Company Secretary in Practice or Company /organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered for imparting training with the Institute?
- Who are eligible to claim exemption from undergoing Training?
- What are the documents required to be submitted in order to claim exemption from undergoing training?
- How is 03 months Practical training different from 15 months Management Training?
- Whether the 03 months Practical training can be undergone with any Company/Organization.
- What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company or other organsiation?
- Whether the Practical training can be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice.
- What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company Secretary in Practice?
- Whether 15 days training to be undergone with any one specialized agency is compulsory?
- Which are the agencies where 15 days specialised training under regulation 50(b) can be undergone?
- At what stage a student can undergo 15 days training with the specialized agency?
- What is the procedure for undergoing 15 days training with any of the specialized agencies?
- What are the various training programme which a student is required to attend & complete?
- What is SIP?
- What is the eligibility for SIP? Whether SIP is compulsory.
- What is the procedure of registration for SIP?
- Whether there is a provision for granting exemption from undergoing 7 days SIP. What are the criteria for granting exemption from undergoing SIP?
- What is EDP?
- What is the eligibility for EDP? Whether EDP is compulsory.
- What is the procedure of registration for EDP?
- Whether a student can commence 15 month training pending completion of EDP due to non- availability of seats for EDP.
- Whether a student who is required to complete TOP under old training structure, can complete EDP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of TOP.
- Whether there is any facility to attend the SIP and EDP online.
- At which places SIP and EDP are conducted?
- What is PDP?
- What is the requirement of PDP for students?
- What is the procedure of registration for PDP?
- Whether the EDP and PDP is applicable to those students who have been granted exemption from undergoing training?
- What is MSOP?
- What are the eligibility criteria for the MSOP?
- At which places MSOP are conducted?
- Whether a student who is required to complete SMTP under old training structure, can complete MSOP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of SMTP.
- Whether there is a facility of residential MSOP? If yes, then where?
- Is there any provision for getting exemption from attending MSOPs?
- Whether there is any facility to attend the MSOP online.
- During Training period, what are the other documents/ requirements which trainees need to comply?
- How many days of leave are allowed to the trainee during 15 /03 months training period?
- Whether 45 days leave can be adjusted towards any other kind of training i.e. 15 specialized training or MSOP etc.
What is the address for submitting applications for sponsorship and registration of 15/03 months/15 days training, registration of Companies, PCS and other entities for imparting training, claiming exemption from undergoing 15 months/15 days training, claiming exemption from undergoing SIP, Quarterly Reports, Project Report, 15/03 months and 15 days Training Completion or Termination Certificates etc.?
1. With which organizations 15 month Training can be undergone?
A) Under regulation 48(b) of the Company Secretaries Regulations 1982, 15 months training can be undergone with the following organizations, which are registered with the Institute for imparting 15 months Training: -
Companies (whether public or private; listed or unlisted) having paid up share capital of Rupees fifty lacs or more for registration for imparting 15 months management training (However, for imparting 3 months practical training to the Final/ Professional Programme passed students who have been granted exemption from 12 months, the paid up share capital of the company should be Rupees twenty five lacs or more);
1. With which organizations 15 month Training can be undergone?
A) Under regulation 48(b) of the Company Secretaries Regulations 1982, 15 months training can be undergone with the following organizations, which are registered with the Institute for imparting 15 months Training: -
Companies (whether public or private; listed or unlisted) having paid up share capital of Rupees fifty lacs or more for registration for imparting 15 months management training (However, for imparting 3 months practical training to the Final/ Professional Programme passed students who have been granted exemption from 12 months, the paid up share capital of the company should be Rupees twenty five lacs or more);
All banks recognised by RBI are considered equivalent to companies for the purpose of imparting training without the limiting factor of paid up share capital;
All banks recognised by RBI are considered equivalent to companies for the purpose of imparting training without the limiting factor of paid up share capital;
These are allowed to impart 15 months training to the students of the Institute. Guidelines and eligibility criteria for registration of Law Firms, Consultancy Firms, and Financial Institutions for imparting 15 months training are available at training link on the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu;
Training can be undergone with Government bodies & departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory bodies etc. which are registered for imparting training;
Training can be undergone with Government bodies & departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory bodies etc. which are registered for imparting training;
Under regulation 48(c) of the regulations, the students are allowed to undergo training for a period of 15 months with Company Secretary in whole-time practice or a firm of such Company Secretaries on whole time basis, registered for imparting training.
2. What is the procedure for registration of companies and other organisations for imparting 15 Months Management and 03 months Practical Training?
Answer: For registration of company and other organisation for imparting training the Paid up share capital of the company should not be less than Rs. 50 lacs for imparting 15 months management training and for imparting 03 months practical training the paid up share capital of the company should not be less than Rs.25 lacs. It should have facilities to impart 15 Months Training/ 03 Months Practical Training in various departments particularly Secretarial (Shares & Legal), Finance & Accounts (including Costing, Management Accounting, Internal Audit & Taxation), Administration (including Personnel, General Administration, Industrial & Public Relations, Marketing & Material Management etc.).
Following documents are required for registration of companies and other organisation for imparting 15/03 months training:
i) A duly signed request letter from company on its letter head having details of paid up share capital, number of trainees to be accommodated in a year, amount of stipend payable to trainees.
ii) A certified true copy of latest balance sheet of the company and other organsiation (for registration of Banks and Government bodies for imparting training, Balance Sheet is not required)
iii) No fee has been prescribed for registration of company for imparting training.
3. What is the procedure for registration of Law Firm, Consultancy Firms and Financial Institutions for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: Guidelines and eligibility criteria for registration of Law Firms, Consultancy Firms, and Financial Institutions for imparting 15 months training are available at training link on the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu: -
Under regulation 48(c) of the regulations, the students are allowed to undergo training for a period of 15 months with Company Secretary in whole-time practice or a firm of such Company Secretaries on whole time basis, registered for imparting training.
2. What is the procedure for registration of companies and other organisations for imparting 15 Months Management and 03 months Practical Training?
Answer: For registration of company and other organisation for imparting training the Paid up share capital of the company should not be less than Rs. 50 lacs for imparting 15 months management training and for imparting 03 months practical training the paid up share capital of the company should not be less than Rs.25 lacs. It should have facilities to impart 15 Months Training/ 03 Months Practical Training in various departments particularly Secretarial (Shares & Legal), Finance & Accounts (including Costing, Management Accounting, Internal Audit & Taxation), Administration (including Personnel, General Administration, Industrial & Public Relations, Marketing & Material Management etc.).
Following documents are required for registration of companies and other organisation for imparting 15/03 months training:
i) A duly signed request letter from company on its letter head having details of paid up share capital, number of trainees to be accommodated in a year, amount of stipend payable to trainees.
ii) A certified true copy of latest balance sheet of the company and other organsiation (for registration of Banks and Government bodies for imparting training, Balance Sheet is not required)
iii) No fee has been prescribed for registration of company for imparting training.
3. What is the procedure for registration of Law Firm, Consultancy Firms and Financial Institutions for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: Guidelines and eligibility criteria for registration of Law Firms, Consultancy Firms, and Financial Institutions for imparting 15 months training are available at training link on the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu: -
For registration of law firm for imparting 15 months training- we require a duly signed request letter from on letter head of the law firm having details of number of partners enrolled as an Advocate with their names, trainees to be accommodated in a year, amount of stipend payable to trainees, brief profile of the firm including work areas, infrastructure available for training etc.
For registration of Consultancy firm for imparting 15 months training- we require a duly signed request letter from on letter head of the consultancy firm having details of number of partners with their names, trainees to be accommodated in a year, amount of stipend payable to trainees, brief profile of the firm including work areas, infrastructure available for training etc.
For registration of Financial Institution for imparting 15 months training- we require a duly signed request letter from on letter head of financial institution having details of fixed assets, standing, number of trainees to be accommodated in a year, amount of stipend payable to trainees, brief profile, infrastructure available for training etc. along with document of registration or approval of the prescribed authority as may be required under the applicable laws, authenticate document indicating gross fixed assets minimum of Rupees Ten lacs only (preferably balance sheet) and having standing of atleast ten years of the concerned financial institution.
4. What is the procedure for registration of a Company Secretary in Practice for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: For getting registered with the Institute for imparting training to the students, a Company Secretary in Practice has to submit duly filled application form as prescribed by the Institute. The application form is available on the website of the Institute at www.icsi.edu under training link. After approval a registration number is allotted to the Company Secretary in Practice.
Where do I get the list of companies/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) & PCS registered with the Institute for imparting 15 months training? Answer: List of companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) for imparting 15/3 months training and list of Company Secretaries in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute is available on the website of the Institute. www.icsi.edu > ‘Training’ link. List can be available by opting any one search option provided.
What is the procedure of searching training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and with Company Secretaries in Practice?
Answer: After passing Executive Programme examinations, students are eligible to commence 15 months training.
Following procedure should be to be followed for searching 15 months Training with the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and with Company Secretary in Practice: -
Students may directly contact the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute for getting training and apply their with resumes.
List of companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) for imparting 15/3 months training and list of Company Secretaries in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute is available on the website of the Institute. www.icsi.edu > ‘Training’ link. List can be available by opting any one search option provided.
Students can also contact their nearest Regional/Chapter office of the Institute for getting information of vacancies for training and seeking assistance for the same.
Students may also get the companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and Company Secretaries in Practice registered with the Institute for imparting training in case it is not registered with the Institute for imparting 15/03 months training. Procedure for registration as already given has to be followed for the same.
Students may also apply for seeking assistance in searching training from Institute by submitting resumes, a copy of EDP completion certificate, duly filled details in excel sheet in the prescribed format (Click here) at email address- shrutib.gupta@icsi.edu.
Institute would forward the details/resumes of the student to the companies, PCS and other organisations as per vacancies and their requirements for further short listing and interview at their end.
What is the procedure for registration of 15 months Training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.)?
Answer: Procedure to be followed for registration of 15 months Training with the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) is given below:
After selection the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) would forward appointment letter indicating the date of commencement along with prescribed Training Form (available at training page on website www.icsi.edu) and copy of EDP Completion Certificate to the Institute for registration of training.
The Institute would forward the final sponsorship letter to the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) with a copy of the same to the concerned student also.
How much stipend generally companies offer?
Answer: Most of the companies recognized by the Institute for imparting training generally pay the stipend of Rs.3,500 onwards per month to the trainees.
Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firm etc.) can impart training?
Answer: There is no limit for maximum number of trainees by Companies and other organisations. However, of law firm, consultancy firm and financial Institution can impart training to maximum two trainees at a time.
Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) to another company/organisation or a Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the training period.
What is the procedure for transfer of training in between the training period to any company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) or Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: In case of transfer of Training, during the training period to some other company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) or Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute a Certificate of Discontinuation of Training in the Prescribed Format along with the No Objection Certificate from the previous trainer and has to follow the same procedure for undergoing remaining period of training as applicable in case of first trainer with the regards to sponsorship letter, appointment letter. contract etc.
Can 15 months training be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: No, the aforesaid training can be undergone only with those Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the Institute for imparting training.
Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a Company Secretary in Practice can impart training to?
Answer: Yes, there is a limit with regard to number of trainees which a Company Secretary in Practice can impart training to Company Secretary with two years of continuous practice can impart training to one trainee and further number of trainees equal to the number of years of continuous practice is permissible subject to a maximum limit of twenty trainees. However, in case a Company Secretary in Practice who has surrendered his Certificate of Practice, then he will be given credit to the number of trainees permissible at the time of surrender of Certificate of Practice.
What is the procedure for registration of 15 months training with Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Procedure to be followed for registration of 15 months Training with the Company Secretary in Practice registered with the Institute for imparting training is given below:
i) Ensure whether the Company Secretary in Practice is registered with the Institute for imparting training. (List of Company Secretary in Practice is registered with the Institute for imparting training is available on training page on website www.icsi.edu);
ii) Ensure whether the Company Secretary in Practice is eligible to take trainee with regard to the entitlement of maximum number of trainees of the concerned Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute.
(Criteria of entitlement of number of trainees by the Company Secretary in Practice is given on training page on website www.icsi.edu);
iii) Candidate may apply for the issuance of sponsorship letter i.e. bio-data letter before commencement of training in the prescribed training form which is available on the website of the Institute at training link;
iv) After selection a contract for training in the prescribed format (as per the Apprenticeship Training Guidelines, 1982 as amended from time to time) has to be executed between the Company Secretary in Practice and the student concerned on non-judicial stamp paper or through e-stamping /franking of requisite value as applicable in their respective state, in duplicate. Both have to keep one copy of the contract;
v) Within 15 days of execution of contract for apprenticeship, the Company Secretary in Practice/ student has to submit a copy of contract, the particulars as prescribed in Part A & B with regard to employer and trainee, copy of EDP completion certificate and Executive Programme pass mark-sheet with the Institute for registration of training with the Institute;
vi) thereafter the Institute after taking the training on record will issue 15 months training registration letter to the Company Secretary in Practice with a copy to the student.
What would be the date of commencement of 15 months training with Company Secretaries in Practice?
Answer: 15 months training with Company Secretaries in Practice would be treated as valid only from the actual date of execution of contract for training.
How much stipend generally Company Secretary in Practice offer to trainees?
Answer: The minimum stipend to be paid by the Company Secretary in Practice is Rs. 2000/- per month. However there is no restriction on paying higher amount of stipend to trainees by the Company Secretary in Practice.
What are the working hours for candidates undergoing training with Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: The candidates undergoing apprenticeship training shall be required to work during normal hours for a period of 15 months which shall not be less than 6 hours a day for 5 days in a week for a total period of 15 months.
Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one Company Secretary in Practice to another Company Secretary in Practice or a company/organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered with the Institute for imparting training OR vice versa?
Answer: Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the training period from previous trainer Company Secretary in Practice.
How many Transfers can be taken during 15 months training?
Answer: It is not prescribed in Training Guidelines; however students are advised not to take frequent transfers during training period.
What is the procedure for transfer of training from one Company Secretary in Practice in between the 15 months training period to any other Company Secretary in Practice or Company /organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: In case of transfer of training from one Company Secretary in Practice during the training period to some other Company Secretary in Practice or Company/organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered for imparting training with the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute, a Certificate of Discontinuance of training in prescribed format from the previous trainer Company Secretary in Practice and has to follow the same procedure for undergoing remaining period of training as applicable in case of first trainer employer with regard to sponsorship letter, contract for training etc.
Who are eligible to claim exemption from undergoing Training?
Answer: Exemption can only be claimed on the basis of working experience after passing the Final/Professional Programme Examination provided the student fulfils the requirements of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, as amended.
i) The candidates who have completed the Final/ Professional Programme Examination and possess three years working experience as an executive or four years as an assistant in a company having a paid up share capital of Rs.25 lacs or more to assess the eligibility for exemption from undergoing 12 months Management Training and partial exemption from undergoing Practical Training on case to case basis.
ii) The candidates who have completed the Final / Professional Programme Examination and possess two years working experience as an executive or three years as an assistant with a Company Secretary in Practice to assess the eligibility for exemption from undergoing 12 months Management Training and partial exemption from undergoing Practical Training on case to case bases.
iii) In order to avail total exemption under Regulation 48 & 51 a candidate should posses one year experience as an Assistant/Deputy Company Secretary or any other post higher thereto in the Secretarial Department in a company or body corporate having a paid up share capital and reserves of not less than Rs.25 lacs or any organization having gross fixed assets of not less than Rs.50 lacs including any Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous body, Financial Institution or Bank, which in the opinion of the Council, provides scope for acquiring sufficient professional experience. Please note that 15 days Management Skills Orientation Program (previously SMTP) is compulsory.
What are the documents required to be submitted in order to claim exemption from undergoing training?
Answer: Following are the documents required to be submitted in order to claim exemption from undergoing training: -
a. Application Form for Management /Apprenticeship/ Practical Training/ Exemption from undergoing Training. (ST-10)
b. Experience Certificate (s) indicating exact designation, duration of service, salary drawn, job contents in brief duly signed by the appropriate authorized signatory of the employer organization.
c. Certified copy of Balance Sheet(s) in respect of the organization(s)
d. Organization Chart indicating the position in the organizational hierarchy duly certified by the authorized signatory of employer organization.
e. Salary slip for the beginning and last pay drawn from the organization(s)
f. Appointment letter from past/present employer.
How is 03 months Practical training different from 15 months Management Training?
Answer: Students who got exemption on the basis of working experience from undergoing 12 months or more training under various provisions of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 (as amended from time to time) are required to undergo balance training of 03 months or less period in Administration/Secretarial/Finance & Accounts department for one month each is termed as Practical Training. While the students who neither claim nor been granted exemption from undergoing training are required to undergo 15 months Management Training.
Whether the 03 months Practical training can be undergone with any Company/Organization.
Answer: 03 months Practical training can be undergone only with those Company/ Organization which are registered with the Institute for imparting 03 months Practical training to the students.
What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company or other organsiation?
Answer: Candidate has to follow the procedure as given below:
i) A student has to submit an application with the Institute in prescribed training form specifically mentioning the name of the company or organization registered with the Institute for imparting 03 months Practical Training for issuance of sponsorship letter
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the concerned company or organization for arranging the Practical training of the student with a copy to the student. Student can commence the training only on the basis of sponsorship letter issued by the Institute.
iii) The company or organization will intimate the date of commencement of the training of the student to the Institute for record.
iv) The company or organization will issue a training completion certificate on completion of the training for record.
Whether the Practical training can be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice.
Answer: 03 months Practical training can be undergone with a Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the Institute for imparting training to the students.
What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical Training with a Company Secretary in Practice is same as in the case of 15 month training with a variation with regard to the period of training.
Whether 15 days training to be undergone with any one specialized agency is compulsory?
Answer: Yes, the 15 days training with any one specialized agency is compulsory.
Which are the agencies where 15 days specialised training under regulation 50(b) can be undergone?
Answer: 15 (working) days specialised training can be undergone with ROC, Stock Exchange, Financial or Banking Institutions, Management Consultancy Firms, Office of Official Liquidator, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Commodity Stock Exchange, Company Law Board, broking firm or companies, Law firms, Universities (recognized by UGC), Merchant Bankers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, SMEs, Industry Associations/ Chambers of Commerce, all Ministries, SEBI, IRDA, TRAI, CCI, Courts, Tribunals and other quasi-judicial bodies.
All these agencies have to be first registered with the Institute for imparting 15 days specialised training.
For registration, a duly signed request letter on letter head of the specialised agency along with supporting documents (such as balance sheet, certificate of registration from the competent authority, profile etc.) wherever applicable is required.
At what stage a student can undergo 15 days training with the specialized agency?
Answer: A Final /Professional Programme passed student after completing 15 months training (or exempted therefrom) can undergo 15 days training with any one of the prescribed specialized agency.
What is the procedure for undergoing 15 days training with any of the specialized agencies?
Answer: Student has to follow the procedure as below: -
i) Submit an application with the Institute for issuance of sponsorship letter for undergoing 15 days training specifically mentioning the name of the specialized agency along with a copy of Final/Professional Programme pass marksheets.
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the concerned specialized agency for arranging the 15 days training with a copy to the student.
iii) After completion of 15 days training the concerned specialized agency will issue a 15 days training completion certificate which shall be submitted with the Institute for records.
What are the various training programme which a student is required to attend & complete?
(a) For students registered for Executive Programme course before 1st September,2009, following training programme are applicable : i. 5 days Training Orientation Programme (TOP) ii. 25 hours Academic Development Programme (ADP) iii. 15 days Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP)
(b) For students registered for Executive Programme course on or after 01st September, 2009, the following Training Programmes under the new training structure are applicable:
i. 7 days Student Induction Programme (SIP)
ii. 8 days Executive Development Programme (EDP)
iii. 25 hours Professional Development Programme (PDP)
iv. 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP)
What is SIP?
Answer: SIP is the Student Induction Programme of 7 days duration which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What is the eligibility for SIP? Whether SIP is compulsory.
Answer: Students who have registered for Executive programme course on or after 01st September, 2009 are required to attend SIP. It is compulsory to attend within 06 months of registration for Executive programme course.
What is the procedure of registration for SIP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form with the concerned/nearest Regional Council/ Chapter office of the Institute along with the prescribed fee which is presently ₹1000/- (Rupees one thousand per participant). Separate charges for arranging tea, snacks, lunch etc may be collected from the participants of SIP.
Whether there is a provision for granting exemption from undergoing 7 days SIP. What are the criteria for granting exemption from undergoing SIP?
Answer: Yes, there is a provision for granting exemption from undergoing SIP. The Council of the Institute has approved the following eligibility criteria for granting of exemption from undergoing Student Induction Programme (SIP)
(i) Candidates having one year of working experience as assistant or any other post equivalent thereto by whatever name called or any other higher grade thereto in the field of Finance, Secretarial, Human Resource, Marketing, General Administration, Teaching, Research etc. in any body corporate, government body, statutory or autonomous body, public undertaking, financial institution, banks, consultancy firms, Law firms or any other organization/institution which in the opinion of the Council provides scope for adequate exposure for exemption from Students Induction Programme (SIP), or
(ii) Candidates possessing Post Graduate Degree or 2 years Post Graduate Diploma in any stream, or
(iii) Candidates possessing professional qualification e.g CA, CWA,LL.B, BE/B.Tech/B.Arch, MBBS, Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Businesses Administration/ Management, MCA or any other qualification as approved by the Council from time to time.
Students seeking exemption may apply within six months from the date of registration in the Executive Programme. The students who were enrolled on or after 1st September 2009 and yet not undergone the SIP may also apply for the exemption.
The application form for claiming exemption from SIP is available at Training Page on the website (www.icsi.edu).
What is EDP?
Answer: EDP is the Executive Development Programme of 8 days duration which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What is the eligibility for EDP? Whether EDP is compulsory.
Answer: Students who have passed Executive programme are required to attend EDP. It is compulsory to attend before commencement of 15 months training.
What is the procedure of registration for EDP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form along with a copy of Executive Programme pass certificate with the concerned/nearest Regional Council/Chapter office of the Institute along with the prescribed fee which is presently ₹1000/- (Rupees One thousand Only) for EDP
Whether a student can commence 15 month training pending completion of EDP due to non- availability of seats for EDP.
Answer: Yes, a student can commence 15 months training pending completion of EDP due to non-availability of seats for EDP by submitting an undertaking in writing with the Institute along with the documents for training that he/she will complete EDP in the next available batch and will submit a copy of the EDP completion certificate with the Institute.
Whether a student who is required to complete TOP under old training structure, can complete EDP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of TOP.
Answer: Yes, a student who is required to complete TOP under old training structure, can complete EDP under new training structure to fulfil the requirements of TOP. EDP is a redefined version of TOP.
Whether there is any facility to attend the SIP and EDP online.
Answer: Yes. Online SIP and EDP called as eSIP and eEDP respectively is conducted by ICSI-CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Centre for Corporate Governance, Research & Training (ICSI-CCGRT)
Plot No. 101, Sector – 15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
Tel No: (022) 4102 1504 / 05
(022) 27577814 Fax: (022) 2757 4384. E-mail:ccgrt@icsi.edu
At which places SIP and EDP are conducted?
Answer: SIP and EDP are conducted at all the Regional/ Chapter Offices of the Institute on time to basis. Students may contact their nearest Regional/ Chapter office for the batches of SIP and EDP.
4. What is the procedure for registration of a Company Secretary in Practice for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: For getting registered with the Institute for imparting training to the students, a Company Secretary in Practice has to submit duly filled application form as prescribed by the Institute. The application form is available on the website of the Institute at www.icsi.edu under training link. After approval a registration number is allotted to the Company Secretary in Practice.
Where do I get the list of companies/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) & PCS registered with the Institute for imparting 15 months training? Answer: List of companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) for imparting 15/3 months training and list of Company Secretaries in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute is available on the website of the Institute. www.icsi.edu > ‘Training’ link. List can be available by opting any one search option provided.
What is the procedure of searching training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and with Company Secretaries in Practice?
Answer: After passing Executive Programme examinations, students are eligible to commence 15 months training.
Following procedure should be to be followed for searching 15 months Training with the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and with Company Secretary in Practice: -
Students may directly contact the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute for getting training and apply their with resumes.
List of companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) for imparting 15/3 months training and list of Company Secretaries in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute is available on the website of the Institute. www.icsi.edu > ‘Training’ link. List can be available by opting any one search option provided.
Students can also contact their nearest Regional/Chapter office of the Institute for getting information of vacancies for training and seeking assistance for the same.
Students may also get the companies /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) and Company Secretaries in Practice registered with the Institute for imparting training in case it is not registered with the Institute for imparting 15/03 months training. Procedure for registration as already given has to be followed for the same.
Students may also apply for seeking assistance in searching training from Institute by submitting resumes, a copy of EDP completion certificate, duly filled details in excel sheet in the prescribed format (Click here) at email address- shrutib.gupta@icsi.edu.
Institute would forward the details/resumes of the student to the companies, PCS and other organisations as per vacancies and their requirements for further short listing and interview at their end.
What is the procedure for registration of 15 months Training with the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.)?
Answer: Procedure to be followed for registration of 15 months Training with the company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) is given below:
After selection the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) would forward appointment letter indicating the date of commencement along with prescribed Training Form (available at training page on website www.icsi.edu) and copy of EDP Completion Certificate to the Institute for registration of training.
The Institute would forward the final sponsorship letter to the company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) with a copy of the same to the concerned student also.
How much stipend generally companies offer?
Answer: Most of the companies recognized by the Institute for imparting training generally pay the stipend of Rs.3,500 onwards per month to the trainees.
Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firm etc.) can impart training?
Answer: There is no limit for maximum number of trainees by Companies and other organisations. However, of law firm, consultancy firm and financial Institution can impart training to maximum two trainees at a time.
Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) to another company/organisation or a Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the training period.
What is the procedure for transfer of training in between the training period to any company /organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) or Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: In case of transfer of Training, during the training period to some other company/organisation (including law firm, consultancy firms etc.) or Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute a Certificate of Discontinuation of Training in the Prescribed Format along with the No Objection Certificate from the previous trainer and has to follow the same procedure for undergoing remaining period of training as applicable in case of first trainer with the regards to sponsorship letter, appointment letter. contract etc.
Can 15 months training be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: No, the aforesaid training can be undergone only with those Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the Institute for imparting training.
Is there any limit with regard to number of trainees which a Company Secretary in Practice can impart training to?
Answer: Yes, there is a limit with regard to number of trainees which a Company Secretary in Practice can impart training to Company Secretary with two years of continuous practice can impart training to one trainee and further number of trainees equal to the number of years of continuous practice is permissible subject to a maximum limit of twenty trainees. However, in case a Company Secretary in Practice who has surrendered his Certificate of Practice, then he will be given credit to the number of trainees permissible at the time of surrender of Certificate of Practice.
What is the procedure for registration of 15 months training with Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Procedure to be followed for registration of 15 months Training with the Company Secretary in Practice registered with the Institute for imparting training is given below:
i) Ensure whether the Company Secretary in Practice is registered with the Institute for imparting training. (List of Company Secretary in Practice is registered with the Institute for imparting training is available on training page on website www.icsi.edu);
ii) Ensure whether the Company Secretary in Practice is eligible to take trainee with regard to the entitlement of maximum number of trainees of the concerned Company Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with the Institute.
(Criteria of entitlement of number of trainees by the Company Secretary in Practice is given on training page on website www.icsi.edu);
iii) Candidate may apply for the issuance of sponsorship letter i.e. bio-data letter before commencement of training in the prescribed training form which is available on the website of the Institute at training link;
iv) After selection a contract for training in the prescribed format (as per the Apprenticeship Training Guidelines, 1982 as amended from time to time) has to be executed between the Company Secretary in Practice and the student concerned on non-judicial stamp paper or through e-stamping /franking of requisite value as applicable in their respective state, in duplicate. Both have to keep one copy of the contract;
v) Within 15 days of execution of contract for apprenticeship, the Company Secretary in Practice/ student has to submit a copy of contract, the particulars as prescribed in Part A & B with regard to employer and trainee, copy of EDP completion certificate and Executive Programme pass mark-sheet with the Institute for registration of training with the Institute;
vi) thereafter the Institute after taking the training on record will issue 15 months training registration letter to the Company Secretary in Practice with a copy to the student.
What would be the date of commencement of 15 months training with Company Secretaries in Practice?
Answer: 15 months training with Company Secretaries in Practice would be treated as valid only from the actual date of execution of contract for training.
How much stipend generally Company Secretary in Practice offer to trainees?
Answer: The minimum stipend to be paid by the Company Secretary in Practice is Rs. 2000/- per month. However there is no restriction on paying higher amount of stipend to trainees by the Company Secretary in Practice.
What are the working hours for candidates undergoing training with Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: The candidates undergoing apprenticeship training shall be required to work during normal hours for a period of 15 months which shall not be less than 6 hours a day for 5 days in a week for a total period of 15 months.
Can a student take transfer of training in between the training period from one Company Secretary in Practice to another Company Secretary in Practice or a company/organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered with the Institute for imparting training OR vice versa?
Answer: Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the training period from previous trainer Company Secretary in Practice.
How many Transfers can be taken during 15 months training?
Answer: It is not prescribed in Training Guidelines; however students are advised not to take frequent transfers during training period.
What is the procedure for transfer of training from one Company Secretary in Practice in between the 15 months training period to any other Company Secretary in Practice or Company /organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered for imparting training with the Institute?
Answer: In case of transfer of training from one Company Secretary in Practice during the training period to some other Company Secretary in Practice or Company/organisations (including law firms, consultancy firms etc.) registered for imparting training with the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute, a Certificate of Discontinuance of training in prescribed format from the previous trainer Company Secretary in Practice and has to follow the same procedure for undergoing remaining period of training as applicable in case of first trainer employer with regard to sponsorship letter, contract for training etc.
Who are eligible to claim exemption from undergoing Training?
Answer: Exemption can only be claimed on the basis of working experience after passing the Final/Professional Programme Examination provided the student fulfils the requirements of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, as amended.
i) The candidates who have completed the Final/ Professional Programme Examination and possess three years working experience as an executive or four years as an assistant in a company having a paid up share capital of Rs.25 lacs or more to assess the eligibility for exemption from undergoing 12 months Management Training and partial exemption from undergoing Practical Training on case to case basis.
ii) The candidates who have completed the Final / Professional Programme Examination and possess two years working experience as an executive or three years as an assistant with a Company Secretary in Practice to assess the eligibility for exemption from undergoing 12 months Management Training and partial exemption from undergoing Practical Training on case to case bases.
iii) In order to avail total exemption under Regulation 48 & 51 a candidate should posses one year experience as an Assistant/Deputy Company Secretary or any other post higher thereto in the Secretarial Department in a company or body corporate having a paid up share capital and reserves of not less than Rs.25 lacs or any organization having gross fixed assets of not less than Rs.50 lacs including any Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous body, Financial Institution or Bank, which in the opinion of the Council, provides scope for acquiring sufficient professional experience. Please note that 15 days Management Skills Orientation Program (previously SMTP) is compulsory.
What are the documents required to be submitted in order to claim exemption from undergoing training?
Answer: Following are the documents required to be submitted in order to claim exemption from undergoing training: -
a. Application Form for Management /Apprenticeship/ Practical Training/ Exemption from undergoing Training. (ST-10)
b. Experience Certificate (s) indicating exact designation, duration of service, salary drawn, job contents in brief duly signed by the appropriate authorized signatory of the employer organization.
c. Certified copy of Balance Sheet(s) in respect of the organization(s)
d. Organization Chart indicating the position in the organizational hierarchy duly certified by the authorized signatory of employer organization.
e. Salary slip for the beginning and last pay drawn from the organization(s)
f. Appointment letter from past/present employer.
How is 03 months Practical training different from 15 months Management Training?
Answer: Students who got exemption on the basis of working experience from undergoing 12 months or more training under various provisions of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 (as amended from time to time) are required to undergo balance training of 03 months or less period in Administration/Secretarial/Finance & Accounts department for one month each is termed as Practical Training. While the students who neither claim nor been granted exemption from undergoing training are required to undergo 15 months Management Training.
Whether the 03 months Practical training can be undergone with any Company/Organization.
Answer: 03 months Practical training can be undergone only with those Company/ Organization which are registered with the Institute for imparting 03 months Practical training to the students.
What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company or other organsiation?
Answer: Candidate has to follow the procedure as given below:
i) A student has to submit an application with the Institute in prescribed training form specifically mentioning the name of the company or organization registered with the Institute for imparting 03 months Practical Training for issuance of sponsorship letter
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the concerned company or organization for arranging the Practical training of the student with a copy to the student. Student can commence the training only on the basis of sponsorship letter issued by the Institute.
iii) The company or organization will intimate the date of commencement of the training of the student to the Institute for record.
iv) The company or organization will issue a training completion certificate on completion of the training for record.
Whether the Practical training can be undergone with any Company Secretary in Practice.
Answer: 03 months Practical training can be undergone with a Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the Institute for imparting training to the students.
What is the procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical training with a Company Secretary in Practice?
Answer: Procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical Training with a Company Secretary in Practice is same as in the case of 15 month training with a variation with regard to the period of training.
Whether 15 days training to be undergone with any one specialized agency is compulsory?
Answer: Yes, the 15 days training with any one specialized agency is compulsory.
Which are the agencies where 15 days specialised training under regulation 50(b) can be undergone?
Answer: 15 (working) days specialised training can be undergone with ROC, Stock Exchange, Financial or Banking Institutions, Management Consultancy Firms, Office of Official Liquidator, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Commodity Stock Exchange, Company Law Board, broking firm or companies, Law firms, Universities (recognized by UGC), Merchant Bankers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, SMEs, Industry Associations/ Chambers of Commerce, all Ministries, SEBI, IRDA, TRAI, CCI, Courts, Tribunals and other quasi-judicial bodies.
All these agencies have to be first registered with the Institute for imparting 15 days specialised training.
For registration, a duly signed request letter on letter head of the specialised agency along with supporting documents (such as balance sheet, certificate of registration from the competent authority, profile etc.) wherever applicable is required.
At what stage a student can undergo 15 days training with the specialized agency?
Answer: A Final /Professional Programme passed student after completing 15 months training (or exempted therefrom) can undergo 15 days training with any one of the prescribed specialized agency.
What is the procedure for undergoing 15 days training with any of the specialized agencies?
Answer: Student has to follow the procedure as below: -
i) Submit an application with the Institute for issuance of sponsorship letter for undergoing 15 days training specifically mentioning the name of the specialized agency along with a copy of Final/Professional Programme pass marksheets.
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the concerned specialized agency for arranging the 15 days training with a copy to the student.
iii) After completion of 15 days training the concerned specialized agency will issue a 15 days training completion certificate which shall be submitted with the Institute for records.
What are the various training programme which a student is required to attend & complete?
(a) For students registered for Executive Programme course before 1st September,2009, following training programme are applicable : i. 5 days Training Orientation Programme (TOP) ii. 25 hours Academic Development Programme (ADP) iii. 15 days Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP)
(b) For students registered for Executive Programme course on or after 01st September, 2009, the following Training Programmes under the new training structure are applicable:
i. 7 days Student Induction Programme (SIP)
ii. 8 days Executive Development Programme (EDP)
iii. 25 hours Professional Development Programme (PDP)
iv. 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP)
What is SIP?
Answer: SIP is the Student Induction Programme of 7 days duration which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What is the eligibility for SIP? Whether SIP is compulsory.
Answer: Students who have registered for Executive programme course on or after 01st September, 2009 are required to attend SIP. It is compulsory to attend within 06 months of registration for Executive programme course.
What is the procedure of registration for SIP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form with the concerned/nearest Regional Council/ Chapter office of the Institute along with the prescribed fee which is presently ₹1000/- (Rupees one thousand per participant). Separate charges for arranging tea, snacks, lunch etc may be collected from the participants of SIP.
Whether there is a provision for granting exemption from undergoing 7 days SIP. What are the criteria for granting exemption from undergoing SIP?
Answer: Yes, there is a provision for granting exemption from undergoing SIP. The Council of the Institute has approved the following eligibility criteria for granting of exemption from undergoing Student Induction Programme (SIP)
(i) Candidates having one year of working experience as assistant or any other post equivalent thereto by whatever name called or any other higher grade thereto in the field of Finance, Secretarial, Human Resource, Marketing, General Administration, Teaching, Research etc. in any body corporate, government body, statutory or autonomous body, public undertaking, financial institution, banks, consultancy firms, Law firms or any other organization/institution which in the opinion of the Council provides scope for adequate exposure for exemption from Students Induction Programme (SIP), or
(ii) Candidates possessing Post Graduate Degree or 2 years Post Graduate Diploma in any stream, or
(iii) Candidates possessing professional qualification e.g CA, CWA,LL.B, BE/B.Tech/B.Arch, MBBS, Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Businesses Administration/ Management, MCA or any other qualification as approved by the Council from time to time.
Students seeking exemption may apply within six months from the date of registration in the Executive Programme. The students who were enrolled on or after 1st September 2009 and yet not undergone the SIP may also apply for the exemption.
The application form for claiming exemption from SIP is available at Training Page on the website (www.icsi.edu).
What is EDP?
Answer: EDP is the Executive Development Programme of 8 days duration which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What is the eligibility for EDP? Whether EDP is compulsory.
Answer: Students who have passed Executive programme are required to attend EDP. It is compulsory to attend before commencement of 15 months training.
What is the procedure of registration for EDP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form along with a copy of Executive Programme pass certificate with the concerned/nearest Regional Council/Chapter office of the Institute along with the prescribed fee which is presently ₹1000/- (Rupees One thousand Only) for EDP
Whether a student can commence 15 month training pending completion of EDP due to non- availability of seats for EDP.
Answer: Yes, a student can commence 15 months training pending completion of EDP due to non-availability of seats for EDP by submitting an undertaking in writing with the Institute along with the documents for training that he/she will complete EDP in the next available batch and will submit a copy of the EDP completion certificate with the Institute.
Whether a student who is required to complete TOP under old training structure, can complete EDP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of TOP.
Answer: Yes, a student who is required to complete TOP under old training structure, can complete EDP under new training structure to fulfil the requirements of TOP. EDP is a redefined version of TOP.
Whether there is any facility to attend the SIP and EDP online.
Answer: Yes. Online SIP and EDP called as eSIP and eEDP respectively is conducted by ICSI-CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Centre for Corporate Governance, Research & Training (ICSI-CCGRT)
Plot No. 101, Sector – 15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
Tel No: (022) 4102 1504 / 05
(022) 27577814 Fax: (022) 2757 4384. E-mail:ccgrt@icsi.edu
At which places SIP and EDP are conducted?
Answer: SIP and EDP are conducted at all the Regional/ Chapter Offices of the Institute on time to basis. Students may contact their nearest Regional/ Chapter office for the batches of SIP and EDP.
What is PDP?
Answer: PDP is Professional Development Programme which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and Chapters for the benefit of members & students on regular basis.
What is the requirement of PDP for students?
Answer: Students are required to attend 25 hours of Professional Development Programme during the period of 15 month training. A student can attend Professional Development Programme organized by the Regional Councils/Chapters/Head Quarter from time to time.
What is the procedure of registration for PDP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form along with a copy of Executive Programme pass marks sheets with the concerned Regional Council/ Chapter along with the prescribed fee. For PDP students are required to pay fee as may be fixed for the programme. Further, the Regional Councils/ Chapters have been instructed to charge a concessional fee from the students attending Professional Development Programme.
Whether the EDP and PDP is applicable to those students who have been granted exemption from undergoing training?
Answer: There is no provision for exemption from EDP & PDP. However, EDP & PDP is not applicable for the students who have been granted exemption from undergoing training.
What is MSOP?
Answer: 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) is conducted by CCGRT, Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What are the eligibility criteria for the MSOP?
Answer: Eligibility criteria for MSOP are given below: -
i) Passed Final/ Professional Programme examination ii) Completed EDP iii) Have completed 15 months of training period or exempted therefrom.
At which places MSOP are conducted?
Answer: MSOP are conducted at following Offices of the Institute: -
In Eastern Region:
Eastern India Regional Council
Tel. (033) 22832973/ 22816541/ 22816542/ 22901065/22902178-79
In Northern Region:
Northern India Regional Council
Tel. (011) 25816593/ 49343003/ 49343005
Gurgaon Tel. (0124) 2380021
Jaipur Tel.(0141)2707236/2707736
Bhilwara Tel. (01482) 329603/238044
In Southern Region:
Southern India Regional Council
Tel. (044) 28279898/ 28222212
Bangalore Tel. (080) 22286574/ 22287158
Hyderabad Tel. (040) 23399541/ 23396494
In Western Region:
Western India Regional Council
Tel. (022) 22844073/ 22047569/ 22047580/ 22047604
Ahmedabad Tel. (079) 26589343/ 32918705
Pune Tel. (020) 24263228/24260341
Indore Tel.(0731) 4248181/2494552
Thane Tel. (022) 25444478-79
Residential MSOP and e-MSOP at ICSI-CCGRT
Tel. (022) 27577814-15/ 41021516
Whether a student who is required to complete SMTP under old training structure, can complete MSOP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of SMTP.
Answer: Yes, a student who is required to complete SMTP under old training structure can complete MSOP under new training structure to fulfill the requirements of SMTP.
Whether there is a facility of residential MSOP? If yes, then where?
Answer: Yes. Residential MSOP are conducted by CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis.
Is there any provision for getting exemption from attending MSOPs?
Answer: Presently, there is no provision for claiming exemption from attending MSOPs.
Whether there is any facility to attend the MSOP online.
Answer: Yes. Online MSOP called as eMSOP is conducted by ICSI-CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis. The eligibility criteria to attend eMSOP is as under:
a) Candidates occupying senior positions or practising professionals (e.g.:- Practising Chartered Accountants, Practising Cost Accountants & Practising Advocates), with atleast 10 years’ experience and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final /Professional Programme exams four years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
b) Candidates occupying senior positions or practising professionals (e.g.:- Practising Chartered Accountants, Practising Cost Accountants & Practising Advocates), with at least 15 years’ experience and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final / Professional Programme exams two years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
c) Candidates who are presently settled abroad and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final/ Professional Programme exams two years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
d) Candidates who have completed Company Secretaryship Final/ Professional Programme exams five years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Centre for Corporate Governance, Research & Training (ICSI-CCGRT)
Plot No. 101, Sector – 15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
Tel No: (022) 4102 1504 / 05
(022) 27577814 Fax: (022) 2757 4384. E-mail:ccgrt@icsi.edu
During Training period, what are the other documents/ requirements which trainees need to comply?
Answer: During training period, a trainee has to comply with the following documents/ requirements:-
To maintain a Training Diary which is available at all the Regional Offices and designated Chapters @ Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only).
To submit Quarterly Report in prescribed format on completion of every quarter.
To prepare a Project Report on any one of the prescribed Topic in last quarter and submit it along with Training Completion Certificate on completion of training.
How many days of leave are allowed to the trainee during 15 /03 months training period?
Answer: A maximum of 45 days leave is allowed to a trainee during the 15 months training period. Further if any leave is taken in excess of 45 days, then the training period would be extended accordingly.
The Council of the Institute has revised the guidelines for grant of leave during the 15 months training to the students of Company Secretaryship Course by withdrawing 45 days or balance leave to trainees who have passed Final/Professional Programme examination and allowed only 15 casual leaves to the candidates undergoing training who have passed Final/Professional Programme examination.
The leave of 45 days during the training will be applicable only for Intermediate/Executive Programme passed students for preparation of Professional Programme examination.
No leave has been prescribed during 03 months Practical training.
Whether 45 days leave can be adjusted towards any other kind of training i.e. 15 specialized training or MSOP etc.
Answer: No other training is allowed during 45 days leave period. Further, if any other training is undergone by the trainee during 15 months duration then the training period would be extended by corresponding period of other training undergone.
What is the address for submitting applications for sponsorship and registration of 15/03 months/15 days training, registration of Companies, PCS and other entities for imparting training, claiming exemption from undergoing 15 months/15 days training, claiming exemption from undergoing SIP, Quarterly Reports, Project Report, 15/03 months and 15 days Training Completion or Termination Certificates etc.?
Answer: The address for submitting applications for sponsorship and registration of 15/03 months/15 days training, registration of Companies, PCS and other entities for imparting training, claiming exemption from undergoing 15 months/15 days training, claiming exemption from undergoing SIP is as below:
Joint Director (Membership, Training & Placement)
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
‘ICSI House’, 22, Institutional Area
Lodi Road
New Delhi-110 003
Students have to submit their training quarterly reports, project report and Training Completion Certificate in pdf or scanned form duly signed and certified by the trainer at the email address given below:
Quarterly Reports and Project Report - icsitrainingreport@gmail.com
Training Completion Certificate - training@icsi.edu Physical copies of Quarterly reports, Project Reports and Training Completion Certificate will not be entertained by the Institute from the students having email IDs. However, students residing in far flung areas where computer facility is not available may submit the same in physical form duly signed and certified by the trainer through post/courier addressed to the Training Section of the Institute at ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003
Answer: PDP is Professional Development Programme which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and Chapters for the benefit of members & students on regular basis.
What is the requirement of PDP for students?
Answer: Students are required to attend 25 hours of Professional Development Programme during the period of 15 month training. A student can attend Professional Development Programme organized by the Regional Councils/Chapters/Head Quarter from time to time.
What is the procedure of registration for PDP?
Answer: Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form along with a copy of Executive Programme pass marks sheets with the concerned Regional Council/ Chapter along with the prescribed fee. For PDP students are required to pay fee as may be fixed for the programme. Further, the Regional Councils/ Chapters have been instructed to charge a concessional fee from the students attending Professional Development Programme.
Whether the EDP and PDP is applicable to those students who have been granted exemption from undergoing training?
Answer: There is no provision for exemption from EDP & PDP. However, EDP & PDP is not applicable for the students who have been granted exemption from undergoing training.
What is MSOP?
Answer: 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) is conducted by CCGRT, Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular basis.
What are the eligibility criteria for the MSOP?
Answer: Eligibility criteria for MSOP are given below: -
i) Passed Final/ Professional Programme examination ii) Completed EDP iii) Have completed 15 months of training period or exempted therefrom.
At which places MSOP are conducted?
Answer: MSOP are conducted at following Offices of the Institute: -
In Eastern Region:
Eastern India Regional Council
Tel. (033) 22832973/ 22816541/ 22816542/ 22901065/22902178-79
In Northern Region:
Northern India Regional Council
Tel. (011) 25816593/ 49343003/ 49343005
Gurgaon Tel. (0124) 2380021
Jaipur Tel.(0141)2707236/2707736
Bhilwara Tel. (01482) 329603/238044
In Southern Region:
Southern India Regional Council
Tel. (044) 28279898/ 28222212
Bangalore Tel. (080) 22286574/ 22287158
Hyderabad Tel. (040) 23399541/ 23396494
In Western Region:
Western India Regional Council
Tel. (022) 22844073/ 22047569/ 22047580/ 22047604
Ahmedabad Tel. (079) 26589343/ 32918705
Pune Tel. (020) 24263228/24260341
Indore Tel.(0731) 4248181/2494552
Thane Tel. (022) 25444478-79
Residential MSOP and e-MSOP at ICSI-CCGRT
Tel. (022) 27577814-15/ 41021516
Whether a student who is required to complete SMTP under old training structure, can complete MSOP under new training structure to fulfill the requirement of SMTP.
Answer: Yes, a student who is required to complete SMTP under old training structure can complete MSOP under new training structure to fulfill the requirements of SMTP.
Whether there is a facility of residential MSOP? If yes, then where?
Answer: Yes. Residential MSOP are conducted by CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis.
Is there any provision for getting exemption from attending MSOPs?
Answer: Presently, there is no provision for claiming exemption from attending MSOPs.
Whether there is any facility to attend the MSOP online.
Answer: Yes. Online MSOP called as eMSOP is conducted by ICSI-CCGRT, Mumbai (Belapur) on regular basis. The eligibility criteria to attend eMSOP is as under:
a) Candidates occupying senior positions or practising professionals (e.g.:- Practising Chartered Accountants, Practising Cost Accountants & Practising Advocates), with atleast 10 years’ experience and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final /Professional Programme exams four years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
b) Candidates occupying senior positions or practising professionals (e.g.:- Practising Chartered Accountants, Practising Cost Accountants & Practising Advocates), with at least 15 years’ experience and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final / Professional Programme exams two years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
c) Candidates who are presently settled abroad and who have completed Company Secretaryship Final/ Professional Programme exams two years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP; or
d) Candidates who have completed Company Secretaryship Final/ Professional Programme exams five years prior to the application for undergoing e-MSOP.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Centre for Corporate Governance, Research & Training (ICSI-CCGRT)
Plot No. 101, Sector – 15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
Tel No: (022) 4102 1504 / 05
(022) 27577814 Fax: (022) 2757 4384. E-mail:ccgrt@icsi.edu
During Training period, what are the other documents/ requirements which trainees need to comply?
Answer: During training period, a trainee has to comply with the following documents/ requirements:-
To maintain a Training Diary which is available at all the Regional Offices and designated Chapters @ Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only).
To submit Quarterly Report in prescribed format on completion of every quarter.
To prepare a Project Report on any one of the prescribed Topic in last quarter and submit it along with Training Completion Certificate on completion of training.
How many days of leave are allowed to the trainee during 15 /03 months training period?
Answer: A maximum of 45 days leave is allowed to a trainee during the 15 months training period. Further if any leave is taken in excess of 45 days, then the training period would be extended accordingly.
The Council of the Institute has revised the guidelines for grant of leave during the 15 months training to the students of Company Secretaryship Course by withdrawing 45 days or balance leave to trainees who have passed Final/Professional Programme examination and allowed only 15 casual leaves to the candidates undergoing training who have passed Final/Professional Programme examination.
The leave of 45 days during the training will be applicable only for Intermediate/Executive Programme passed students for preparation of Professional Programme examination.
No leave has been prescribed during 03 months Practical training.
Whether 45 days leave can be adjusted towards any other kind of training i.e. 15 specialized training or MSOP etc.
Answer: No other training is allowed during 45 days leave period. Further, if any other training is undergone by the trainee during 15 months duration then the training period would be extended by corresponding period of other training undergone.
What is the address for submitting applications for sponsorship and registration of 15/03 months/15 days training, registration of Companies, PCS and other entities for imparting training, claiming exemption from undergoing 15 months/15 days training, claiming exemption from undergoing SIP, Quarterly Reports, Project Report, 15/03 months and 15 days Training Completion or Termination Certificates etc.?
Answer: The address for submitting applications for sponsorship and registration of 15/03 months/15 days training, registration of Companies, PCS and other entities for imparting training, claiming exemption from undergoing 15 months/15 days training, claiming exemption from undergoing SIP is as below:
Joint Director (Membership, Training & Placement)
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
‘ICSI House’, 22, Institutional Area
Lodi Road
New Delhi-110 003
Students have to submit their training quarterly reports, project report and Training Completion Certificate in pdf or scanned form duly signed and certified by the trainer at the email address given below:
Quarterly Reports and Project Report - icsitrainingreport@gmail.com
Training Completion Certificate - training@icsi.edu Physical copies of Quarterly reports, Project Reports and Training Completion Certificate will not be entertained by the Institute from the students having email IDs. However, students residing in far flung areas where computer facility is not available may submit the same in physical form duly signed and certified by the trainer through post/courier addressed to the Training Section of the Institute at ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003
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